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为了解中国不同麦区小麦种质资源籽粒脂肪氧化酶(lipoxygenase,LOX)活性相关基因TaLox-B1的差异和分布,利用小麦4B染色体上的功能标记LOX16LOX18对7个麦区的436份种质资源进行分子检测。结果表明:在供试材料中共检测到3种TaLox-B1基因等位变异类型,分别为TaLox-B1a(与高LOX活性相关)、TaLox-B1b(与低LOX活性相关)和杂合型,其频率分别为19.0%、70.4%和10.6%。小麦LOX活性基因不同变异类型在各生态区的分布存在明显差异:基因型TaLox-B1a在黄淮冬麦区、北部冬麦区和长江中下游冬麦区分布较多,其比例分别为21.1%、19.8%和17.6%;基因型TaLox-B1b在西南冬麦区和长江中下游冬麦区分布较多,比例分别为87.9%、72.5%;杂合型仅存在于北部冬麦区、黄淮冬麦区与长江中下游冬麦区,比例分别为14.2%、12.4%和9.8%。利用标记LOX16LOX18对53个自选高代品系进行分子检测,发现自选品系仅有TaLox-B1b与杂合型两种基因型,其中基因型TaLox-B1ab有32个,比例为60.4%。采用分子标记辅助选择,有利于快速鉴定小麦籽粒LOX活性,加速LOX的遗传改良和新品种选育。  相似文献   
为研究复方中草药添加剂对稻鸭共作模式下成都麻鸭生长性能、血清生化指标、抗氧化指标及免疫指标的影响,试验选取体重相近、体况健康的15日龄成都麻鸭240只,随机分为4组,每组5个重复,每个重复12只。4组为对照组饲喂基础饲粮;试验1、2、3组在基础饲粮中按照质量比分别添加0.5%(低剂量组)、1%(中剂量组)、2%(高剂量组)的复方中草药,试验期90 d。结果显示:(1)试验1、2、3组的平均日增重分别较对照组提高2.19%、4.34%、4.98%(P<0.05);试验2、3组的料重比分别较对照组降低3.37%、3.63%(P<0.05);(2)试验2组和3组的总蛋白(TP)分别较对照组提高4.20%、6.08%(P<0.05);试验2组和3组的尿素氮(BUN)分别较对照组降低12.72%、16.36%(P<0.05);试验2组和3组的谷草转氨酶(ALT)分别较对照组降低15.84%、19.22%(P<0.05);试验3组的谷丙转氨酶(AST)较对照组降低19.34%(P<0.05);(3)试验2组和3组超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)分别较对照组提高15.80%、20.00%(P<0.05);试验3组的总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)较对照组提高22.37%(P<0.05);(4)三个试验组的IgA、IgM、IgG、IFN-γ、IL-2显著高于对照组(P<0.05),试验2组的肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)较对照组提高10.06%(P<0.05),试验2组和3的组溶菌酶(LZM)分别较对照组提高6.79%、5.66%(P<0.05)。综上,中草药添加剂能有效提高稻鸭共作模式下成都麻鸭的生长性能、血清生化指标、抗氧化指标及免疫指标,本试验条件下,最佳饲喂剂量为1%。  相似文献   
在目前安徽沿江地区不能实现棉花机采的情况下,提出了“植株高度既适于机采也适于人工采收,含絮力适中(不易落花便于集中采收),生育期适中(播种到采收为180天左右),纤维品质及产量性状较优(纤维长度30.0 mm以上,断裂比强度30.0 cN/tex以上,马克隆值5.0以下,籽棉产量3750 kg/hm 2以上,衣分在40%左右)”的油(或麦)后直播棉模式的人工采收品种选用策略。旨在促进安徽沿江地区棉花生产稳定发展。  相似文献   
成渝地区位于中国西部、长江上游,生态区位重要,生态地位突出,是支撑“一带一路”、长江经济带的纽带与核心腹地。区域内竹资源丰富,竹产业优势独特,在全国竹产业发展中占有重要地位。文章围绕“成渝地区双城经济圈建设”国家重大区域发展战略,聚焦国家和区域战略需求,坚持问题导向、目标导向、市场导向,坚持创新驱动发展,从战略高度,按照现代产业“延伸产业链、融通供应链、提升价值链”的要求,对竹产业助推成渝地区双城经济圈建设进行探讨,分析竹产业发展优势和突出问题,谋划四川竹产业高质量发展布局,提出了重点实施“智慧竹业、人文竹业、商贸竹业”3大工程的建议。  相似文献   
旨在探究陈皮、青皮、木瓜、厚朴、红景天等5种中药材提取液以及饲喂了陈皮和青皮的猪尿液胶体金免疫层析法检测结果呈阳性的原因。建立测定猪尿及中药提取物中辛弗林的LC-MS/MS检测方法,测定陈皮、青皮的提取物和饲喂陈皮、青皮后猪尿中的辛弗林浓度。用小鼠肝微粒体孵育CGIA检测呈阳性的陈皮、青皮、木瓜和厚朴4味中药提取物。饲喂陈皮和青皮后的猪尿液检出辛弗林,浓度分别为1.36和1.65 μg·mL-1;在陈皮和青皮的提取复溶液中检出辛弗林,浓度分别为132.6和312.7 μg·mL-1。厚朴和木瓜两种中药提取物经过肝微粒体孵育后,在2~5 h逐渐由CGIA检测阳性转为阴性,陈皮和青皮孵育后,0~6 h的结果均为CGIA检测阳性;阴性中药组CGIA检测均呈阴性,而添加辛弗林的阳性对照组0~6 h CGIA检测均呈阳性。猪较大剂量使用陈皮和青皮会引起猪尿β-受体激动剂CGIA检测出现假阳性,该假阳性现象跟中药成分辛弗林有关,体外试验中辛弗林不易被小鼠肝微粒体代谢。  相似文献   
国有林场在内蒙古林业生态建设中具有骨架作用,是祖国生态安全屏障的重要组成部分与支撑点,也是贯彻落实生态文明建设,践行“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念不可或缺的重要实施主体。在深入了解与掌握内蒙古自治区西部地区6个市国有林场经营现状的基础上,总结归纳了内蒙古西部地区国有林场经营的特点,深入分析了内蒙古西部地区国有林场面临的问题与困境,并探讨解决这些问题的途径,为国有林场今后的发展提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   
本研究通过实地调查,运用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型和环境气候数据模拟未来气候变化对青藏高原地区藏药独一味(Lamiophlomis rotata(Benth.)Kudo)适生区空间分布格局的影响,探索其适生区变迁规律。通过ArcGIS和SPSS对模拟结果分析显示,当前气候条件下独一味最适宜生长地区主要分布于青藏高原地区的四川与西藏,甘肃与青海交界处,占青藏高原总面积的24.87%,其中西藏自治区适生区面积最大,其次是四川和青海,甘肃和云南占比最小;未来气候变化使适生区几何中心向西南方向迁移97.1 km,且海拔上升267 m;气候变化带来的适生区扩大面积约为退化面积的2倍,各省适生区面积均呈现增加,西藏增加最多,其次是四川,青海略有增加,云南和甘肃变化不大;如果气候变暖持续发生,人工引种驯化应选择海拔相对较高区域,而低海拔地区由于退化风险,应作为物种保护区域重点监测。本研究将为气候敏感地区野生濒危药用植物的引种驯化及资源保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   
真核翻译延伸因子(eukaryotic translation elongation factor,eEFs)是一种重要的多功能调控蛋白,eEF1β是eEF1的组成部分,在蛋白质生物合成过程中发挥着重要的作用。本文通过RT-PCR扩增克隆小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)的eEF1β基因,并命名为TaeEF1β。氨基酸同源性分析发现,TaeEF1β具有高度保守性,且其保守结构域位于137~226 aa处。qRT-PCR结果表明,中国小麦花叶病毒(Chinese wheat mosaic virus,CWMV)侵染小麦植株后,可以诱导TaeEF1β基因转录水平的上调表达。另外,本文也进一步分析了TaeEF1β基因在小麦根、茎、叶的表达水平和CWMV侵染不同时间点的表达情况。  相似文献   
The double-rice cropping system is a very important intensive cropping system for food security in China. There have been few studies of the sustainability of yield and accumulation of soil organic carbon(SOC) in the double-rice cropping system following a partial substitution of chemical fertilizer by Chinese milk vetch(Mv). We conducted a 10-year(2008–2017) field experiment in Nan County, South-Central China, to examine the double-rice productivity and SOC accumulation in a paddy soil in response to different fertilization levels and Mv application(22.5 Mg ha~(–1)). Fertilizer and Mv were applied both individually and in combination(sole chemical fertilizers, Mv plus 100, 80, 60, 40, and 0% of the recommended dose of chemical fertilizers, labeled as F100, MF100, MF80, MF60, MF40, and MF0, respectively). It was found that the grain yields of double-rice crop in treatments receiving Mv were reduced when the dose of chemical fertilizer was reduced, while the change in SOC stock displayed a double peak curve. The MF100 produced the highest double-rice yield and SOC stock, with the value higher by 13.5 and 26.8% than that in the F100. However, the grain yields increased in the MF80(by 8.4% compared to the F100), while the SOC stock only increased by 8.4%. Analogous to the change of grain yield, the sustainable yield index(SYI) of double rice were improved significantly in the MF100 and MF80 compared to the F100, while there was a slight increase in the MF60 and MF40. After a certain amount of Mv input(22.5 Mg ha~(–1)), the carbon sequestration rate was affected by the nutrient input due to the stimulation of microbial biomass. Compared with the MF0, the MF100 and MF40 resulted in a dramatically higher carbon sequestration rate(with the value higher by 71.6 and 70.1%),whereas the MF80 induced a lower carbon sequestration rate with the value lower by 70.1% compared to the MF0. Based on the above results we suggested that Mv could partially replace chemical fertilizers(e.g., 40–60%) to improve or maintain the productivity and sustainability of the double-rice cropping system in South-Central China.  相似文献   
A foliar nematode, Litylenchus crenatae ssp. mccannii, is associated with beech leaf disease (BLD) symptoms. Information about the types of tissues parasitized and how nematode populations fluctuate in these tissues over time is needed to improve surveys as well as understand the nematodes role in BLD. During this study, the nematode was detected throughout the known range of BLD by researchers at both Canadian and US institutions using a modified pan method to extract nematodes. Monthly collections of symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves during the growing season (May–October), and leaves and buds between growing seasons (November–March), revealed that nematodes were present in all tissue types. Progressively larger numbers of nematodes were detected in symptomatic leaves from Ohio and Ontario, with the greatest detections at the end of the growing season. Smaller numbers of nematodes were detected in asymptomatic leaves from BLD‐infected trees, typically at the end of the growing season. The nematode was detected overwintering in buds and detached leaves. The discovery of small numbers of nematodes in detached leaves at one location before BLD was detected indicates that nematodes may have been present before disease symptoms were expressed. Other nematodes, Plectus and Aphelenchoides spp., were infrequently detected in small numbers. Our findings support the involvement of the nematode in BLD and indicate that symptoms develop only when certain requirements, such as infection of buds, are met. We also found that the nematode can be reliably detected in buds and leaves using the modified pan extraction method.  相似文献   
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